Saturday, 12 March 2011

Parking on the pavement

Hi - I have been contacted by a resident concerned about the parking on the estate particularly on pavements. The resident realises that there is insufficient parking but asks that if you do have to park on a pavement to ensure that people can still get past with a pram. The lady concerned has a baby and a toddler so finds it difficult and dangerous walking in the road when she cannot get through on the pavement.
If you have any comment I would be interested in hearing them.


  1. where i live facing the ramp either side, at weekends, people park on the ramp and leave just a little space to let cars onto the whole estate, if ever there was a fire, the fire engine would have no chance of getting past ........

  2. There are also problems at the front of the estate with the workmen off the new housing site parking their vehicles. I nearly had a head on collision due to not being able to see past these vehicles and having to drive down the centre of the road. Also children play around this inconsiderate parking which again is very dangerous. Surely they should park on their own complex, dust or no dust.
