Monday 21 January 2013

Gritting the entrance to the estate

Hi folks, I've been out and gritted the hill at the top of the estate tonight. I wasn't able to get out on Sunday night but if the snow or ice return again tonight your journey up the road should be easier on Tuesday morning.

Thanks to those of you who contacted Abby to volunteer to help spread grit when I can't. I'll get in touch with you in the next day or so.

It very much looks like one of the locks on the grit bin itself has been vandalised since I last checked them in the summer. I can't be 100% certain but it looks like something may have been forced inside the barrel and as a result I can't open it to get to the grit. I'm currently using some of the surplus bags Abby bought which have sat in my garage for the last year or so but I only have a couple left and once they are gone the grit in the bin is all we have (which is full and should last for years when I can get to it). If anyone has any sensible suggestions about how to open the lock it would be good to hear them. Cutting them open is probably not an easy option as we bought locks that specifically were strengthened not to be easily cut through!



  1. two of these ..... then all you have to do is give the combination to the neighbors then change it. every year :).....;jsessionId=qbz9Q2hhJ8h9Y11l7MnTSQ4lFF1vnLjZ2tP4ZLCVtTphmwlJlXg2!-973447718!1358863034153

  2. cut the old locks off with bolt cutters or a grinder with a metal blade .......

