Sunday 22 May 2011

Grit bin application successful

Hi All - I am pleased to tell you that our application to Croston Parish Council for a grant towards the purchase of a grit bin and grit for the estate was successful. We have been awarded £200 towards the purchase. I will speak to Karen whose idea it was to purchase the grit and let you know the next step.


  1. thats great news abby, they must be down to there last 40 million now ... lol

  2. thank you very much for this and well done abbie :) im sure we will all be grateful to you when we can get out of our estate next winter

  3. The grant towards the grit is a great step forward,well done abbie, if we do have anothter bad winter I hope we can all work together as an estate in keeping the entrabce clear and not just have the same people doing it every day!

